The people around us are attracted to being with us because of our personality, our values and the image we transmit to them. This personality in the world of business is called corporate identity, it has coherence and, together with other factors, it is essential to attract the attention of our clients, to attract them and to make them identify the brand.

Corporate identity refers to the whole set of elements that allow a company to generate representation of it both visual, and in terms of values and modus operandi, to consumers. It is the image that others have of your company, an added value, a way through which the company transmits what it is, both in a tangible way (brand, typography, colours…) and in an intangible way (mission, vision, values…).

Even so, this concept is much more than just the appearance and image of a business, as it covers all the decisions it takes and the reasons behind them. On the basis of the values, culture, priorities and unique aspects of the company, it will go one way or another creating a place in the market for the company and a concrete vision by the customers so that when they hear your name, they have a clear idea of what you represent

Creating a solid and positive corporate identity requires time, effort and a previous strategy and planning that organizes what the company wants to transmit, how it sees itself, and how it wants to be perceived by its public.

Why is it important?

Having a solid corporate identity will make your customers remember you and your products and, therefore, if they are satisfied with what you offer them, the corporate identity will serve as a great support for your customers’ loyalty.

Just as our personalities are unique and set us apart from the rest, your corporate identity will set your company apart from the competition. This is especially important in the busiest sectors where the customer has many brand options and must move between them.

A defined corporate identity gives you credibility and a solid place in the labour market. If the company is not sure of what it is and what it wants to represent, it will not convey confidence within the sector and will remain in a weak position. The company must introduce itself with strength, experience, seriousness and transmit confidence to its clients.

In Area10Marketing we are a marketing and communication agency expert in analysing companies in terms of communication and in creating the appropriate strategies to boost them. If you are interested in the public having a better image of you, we can advise you on how to define the personality of your company and how to express it through your corporate identity.

If you want your company to have a more solid, professional and convincing image, write us! We will love helping you.