Services of a Digital Marketing Agency

AREA10 Marketing

August 30, 2022
Services of a Digital Marketing Agency Marketing is one of the most used techniques in the day to day life of companies in order to achieve an adequate positioning with the ultimate goal of attracting or securing part of their audience. In the world of Digital Marketing these options are multiplied by 10, since, thanks […]
Services of a Digital Marketing Agency

Services of a Digital Marketing Agency

Marketing is one of the most used techniques in the day to day life of companies in order to achieve an adequate positioning with the ultimate goal of attracting or securing part of their audience. In the world of Digital Marketing these options are multiplied by 10, since, thanks to digital and viral channels, the ability to influence both your audience and third parties is much greater.

What services can a Digital Marketing agency provide you with?

Although the Services of a Digital Marketing Agency are becoming more and more specific, they can be grouped into the following categories:

Inbound Marketing: this method refers to all those non-intrusive marketing techniques that allow us to access new users, through the use of various digital marketing actions such as SEO, presence in social networks or content marketing. Inbound is based on an essential issue: providing valuable content to the user, which, as we mentioned before, should be our leitmotiv as a brand. Inbound Marketing places special emphasis on the four steps of the purchase cycle: attract, convert, close and delight. These stages will allow us to transform a complete stranger into a loyal customer, who will not only be satisfied with us, but will also extend this satisfaction to their direct environment.

Natural positioning service or SEO: a marketing strategy that allows us to optimize our website so that it is better positioned in the search engine results, which is a clear benefit, as very few people continue to browse page 2 of Google results.

SEM advertising: on the other hand, SEM consists of carrying out advertising campaigns on the Google network. SEM allows us to make an impact on the customer’s mind where SEO does not reach and even when they are not actively looking for us. For example, when our campaigns are shown to a user who is seeking a product similar to ours.

Social media management service: one of the pillars of a digital marketing agency’s services is, without a doubt, social media management. Nowadays, due to their great impact and the fact that they have no initial costs, practically all companies have one or more profiles on social networks. However, feeding and managing these social channels generates a greater volume of work than many companies are able to absorb. As a result, outsourcing this type of service to agencies has become commonplace. Social networks are another medium in direct contact with the public, so professional and appropriate management is essential.

Content creation service: the help to generate attractive and interesting content that we can use in the different marketing tools or in our social networks will help us to achieve an efficient form of promotion that will help in the transformation of users into potential clients.

Website development service: its main objective is to make a site easy to navigate and invite visitors to come back whenever they need to. That’s why digital marketing also focuses on creating sites that provide a good user experience, from the moment they load it on the device of their choice until they take action on the content. Something as simple as consulting a contact channel with the company, or something more complex that involves the exchange of sensitive information, such as making a credit card purchase.

Customer service and support channels: finally, this task in the digital model is very important for a robust strategy. The distinctive characteristics of the digital environment involve the immediacy and ease with which people can communicate with the brands and companies they do business with. On many occasions, the difference between making a purchase or abandoning the shopping cart is a question resolved or a busy line that fails to provide an answer.

As you have been reading, there are several and very diverse steps that can help us to achieve a good penetration in the digital market to reach our target, and that is why from AREA10 Marketing we are willing to support you in whatever you need.

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