Lately it is very trendy the so-called content marketing, a marketing strategy that attracts customers through relevant content in the different media in which the company can reach its audiences. Although it’s more in the air now, this concept began to be talked about 12 years ago when Joe Pulizzi described it as: “Content marketing is the marketing and business process for creating and distributing content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience—with the objective of driving profitable customer action”.

Content marketing is a marketing technique based on creating, publishing and sharing content of interest to your potential buyer. Its main objective is to involve your audience and grow your network of leads and customers through the creation of relevant and valuable content. In this way you will be able to create a more positive perception of your company and generate more business.

According to the latest survey of the Content Marketing Institute, 56% of companies consider it to be their fastest growing area. 70% consider that their strategies are more effective than the previous year and 93% confirm that they have made a serious commitment to this marketing discipline, so we could conclude that it is a very effective strategy worth starting with.

How to get started?

In order to start applying content marketing, there are three fundamental aspects to consider:

  1. Be clear about the audience persona we want to address
  2. Deciding what information I want to transmit to my audience
  3. Choose the formats: blog articles, downloadable guides, video tutorials, podcasts, computer graphics, etc.

In addition, it is essential to establish an action plan that defines what type of users would use our products, enter our media and connect with us. Once we are clear about this, we can start planning, accordingly, the content we want to show and where to do it.

Not all social networks are ideal for all sectors and not all of them should publish the same type of content. A network like LinkedIn requires more professional and serious content than, for example, Instagram, which is a more informal and closer format, or your own blog where you can opt for an average term of formalisation and take advantage of it to inform your audience in a closer way.

Which are its benefits?

  • Improves brand image
  • It forces you to focus more on the users, as the content you are going to launch is expressly aimed at them
  • It makes you connect more with your audience by making them feel heard and valued, thus increasing engagement
  • It is a very effective way to convert leads, so you can generate sales in the meddle term
  • It’s cheaper and more cost-effective than other means of reaching and connecting with your audience


In Area10Marketing we are a marketing and communication agency that is aware of all the trends that are being used at the moment in the world of communication. If you don’t want to risk starting this path towards content marketing on your own, contact us and we will help you establish a plan that defines your audience, content and means to launch it.

If you are interested on what we are telling you, click here. We are looking forward to advising you!