Eco-marketing, an increasingly widespread practice

AREA10 Marketing

August 8, 2022
Eco – Marketing: Sustainable Marketing that Improves your Company Eco-marketing are those sustainable advertising and communication activities aimed at reducing the negative impacts that marketing actions themselves can have on the environment and on society in general. Implementing Sustainable Marketing helps companies to be better by reinforcing their corporate responsibility while differentiating themselves from their […]
Sustainable Marketing

Eco – Marketing: Sustainable Marketing that Improves your Company

Eco-marketing are those sustainable advertising and communication activities aimed at reducing the negative impacts that marketing actions themselves can have on the environment and on society in general. Implementing Sustainable Marketing helps companies to be better by reinforcing their corporate responsibility while differentiating themselves from their competitors.

It is also remarkable the current interest of the majority of the population in consuming sustainable products and, therefore, of companies in creating and trading products that have less harmful impacts on nature. Experts in sustainable communication will be responsible for knowing how to transmit the benefits of green products and services, helping companies to develop a new marketing philosophy and new communication strategies with customers to help them make better decisions for everyone.

But how can eco-marketing be applied?

Eco-marketing can be applied in many ways, both in external and internal company communication. Here, as experts in sustainable communication, we share with you some tips to start applying it:

– Use eco-friendly typography that helps to reduce the amount of ink used when printing
– Avoid the design and use of large quantities of colors for materials to be printed
– Use digital media in favor of printed media
– Use bold to highlight sparingly
– Avoid using inks that are high in barium and chrome
– Optimize web resources to avoid making them heavy
– Avoid sending emails and instead use Clouds
– Use green search engines and hosting or hosting that runs on renewable energy
– Use materials and equipment that do not become outdated or buy second-hand
– Allocate part of the profits to offsetting
– Incorporate socially excluded staff in the company or projects

And most important of all, and although green space is a constantly regulated environment, it is important to be coherent with the commitments we make. The planet and our descendants will be grateful for this choice.

AREA10 Marketing Specialists in Sustainable Marketing

If your company needs extra advice on eco-marketing, in AREA10, Marketing and Communications agency in Madrid experts in sustainability and green marketing, we will be happy to help you!

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